Anyway! After five years of living in my teeny tiny apartment, I had accumulated a ton of crap and the moving process was about 50 times more difficult than I thought it would be. First of all, it was hot. Hot in the morning, hot in the afternoon, hot at 3:00am. The month before we moved and the month of the move itself were pretty miserable for packing and for going up and down and up and down and up and down six flights of stairs.
This what my cat thought of the heat.
As if I need to say it, he wasn't happy.
Our packing process seemed to take forever, too. This is how we were living for two weeks before we made the move.
It's amazing I didn't completely lose my shit on a daily basis. Oh wait, I did. Somehow Ryan managed not to leave me and I managed not to throw myself off my balcony, but it wasn't easy.
Then, finally...jackpot! We had the keys in our hand! Although I was emotionally exhausted and had been a wreck for going on two weeks now, I was so excited to get the move started, I had almost forgotten how miserable I was about to be!
Six flights of stairs, almost six years in an apartment that was literally STUFFED with furniture and electronics and crap. Ryan, his brother Shawn, and his Dad literally saved my life by doing the vast majority of the move. My brother showed up on our second weekend of moving and he and Ryan got all the random odds and ends that hadn't made the move the first weekend around.
As a small aside, while we were packing up, there was a couple having a serious fight next door. It got violent and I had to call the cops. It was awful and gee, am I glad I don't live there any longer!
Now here we are, approximately a month after moving and we've unpacked about 57-60%, with zero progress being done on the weekends. We got the place functional and then just kind of gave up for now. The area with the dining room table has been organized, but most of the boxes remain unpacked and unsorted. We aren't sure if our furniture is in it's final resting place and we're also not sure when we should start a project like painting. Those are my excuses. But, here is the good news! We do have our cable, internet and tv's there is that.
And, best of all, both my plants and my cats have survived the shock of moving and seem to be very happy here in their new home.
Also, Ryan seems pretty happy here, too.
Subsequently, I am, too.
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