I suppose if I was forced to define my religious affiliation, I'd be an atheist. I don't care for the label much, though. I truly do not believe there is a "God", per se. That doesn't mean there may not be little "g" gods or beings beyond our realm of understanding. It probably goes without saying, but I also think the idea that a divine hand had anything to do with capital "L" Life is utter nonsense. Does that leave me as an atheist or somewhere between? I guess that's why the label doesn't quite fit right. One thing I can appreciate about religion(s) is the idea that people who truly *need* to feel something is watching over them can use that to draw strength from in dark times. Whatever it takes to get you through the day and if that is God, Allah, Jehovah or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, then you go on doing what you need to do.
Just keep it to yourself and keep your beliefs from interfering with my body and my peace of mind, thanks.

I could have gone with some of the more offensive anti-abortion propaganda, but no one needs to see that crap.
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